Sabemos que estamos pidiendo a cada rato que se involucren con una y otra causa. Pero no es nuestra culpa. Es la del dictador que no da tregua a su sufrido y pacífico pueblo. Y ellos, aisalados y sometidos como están no tienen recuersos para defenderse. La impunidad con la que actua el régimen es inaudita, pero más inaudito es cómo los líderes del mundo abrazan al dictador y le lamen las bolas...
No permitamos que Ángel vaya a la cárcel. Mañana puede ser tu amigo, tu hijo, tu sobrino, tu padre.... El objetivo de Raúl Castro es TODO el pueblo. Solo es cuestión de tiempo. Y solo está en nuestras manos detenerlo, nosotros que estamos en el mundo libre y que clamamos tantas diatribas libertarias.
Pero no es tiempo de declaraciones abstractas si no de hechos y compromisos.
Firma por favor. Y comparte la petición con todo el mundo!

Petición dirigida a: Angel Santiesteban
Free Angel Santiesteban: Imprisoned for been a writer and human rights activist in Cuba
Marisel Trespalacios
Petición creada por Marisel Trespalacios
Washington, DC
Angel Santiesteban is a renowned Cuban writer and blogger. On December 8, 2012 he was condemned to 5 years in prison by the Castro regime for his criticism of the dictatorship. Upon hearing the sentence, Santiesteban stated: "I have not been sanctioned by a tribunal. I have been sanctioned by State Security for starting a blog and being an opponent of the government.”
Santiesteban has been published around the world. He has also been honored with various literary prizes, including the Alejo Carpentier Award organized by the Cuban Book Institute in 2001 for his book “The Children Nobody Wanted” and the Casa de las Américas Award in 2006 for his book “Blessed Are Those Who Mourn.” In March 2009, he started his blog also titled “The Children Nobody Wanted.” For his open opposition to the regime Santiesteban has been the subject of continuous harassment and false accusations resulting now in arbitrary imprisonment.
Please use the hashtag #FreeSantiesteban on Twitter to demand his freedom and pass along the following message in social media:
In English:
#FreeSantiesteban #Cuba #DDHH Angel Santiesteban is innocent. To think and write freely is not a crime.
Angel Santiesteban
Free Angel Santiesteban: Imprisoned for been a writer and human rights activist in Cuba
[Tu nombre]
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